Photo: © n³ architektur, Hagen
Office & Interior
Hotel Glockenspitze Restaurant Maracana - Altenkirchen, Germany
- Customer
Knoeppel GmbH
- Location
Altenkirchen, Germany
- Building owner
Hotel Glockenspitze
- Concept
n³ architecture
Printed acoustic and partition curtains as well as wall and door coverings
Project data
- Redesign of the "Maracana" restaurant in the Glockenspitze adventure and sports hotel; use of printed acoustic and partition curtains as well as a wall and door covering with prints showing the "Estádio do Maracanã" stadium in Brazil, which is famous from the Olympic Games and two soccer World Cups.
- Production and installation of a thread curtain made from the MACAU CLASSIC effect fabric to highlight the VIP area of the restaurant.
- Further accentuation of the VIP area with the help of a 5-layer acoustic curtain OFFICE in wave look, which serves as an entrance and waiting area; outer layer made of the sound-absorbing contract fabric SATIN CS; printed with an artistic analogy to the Olympic victory ceremony according to customer requirements; suspension on TRUMPF 95 OFFICE rail system; dimensions of the curtain: approx. 14.0 x 3.8 m.
- Fabrication of two room divider curtains made of the sound-absorbing SATIN CS contract fabric; printed with folding chairs from the "Maracana" stadium on the front and the Olympic flame on the back according to the customer's wishes; hanging on TRUMPF 95 rail system; dimensions of the curtains: approx. 6.0 x 3.1 m.
- Production of a wall and door covering; printed with the panorama of the "Maracana" stadium according to customer requirements; dimensions of the wall and door covering: approx. 13.6 x 3.5 m.