The modern world is characterised by increasing noise pollution, including in schools and universities.

Good room acoustics are particularly important there, as many people come together and learn. Noise can impair concentration and therefore have a negative impact on learning success.

A suitable room acoustic design improves speech intelligibility, the subjective impression of the room and reduces the noise level.

Creating a pleasant learning and working environment increases the well-being of people in the learning spaces. This minimises stress levels and also prevents long-term health problems.

Photo: © Gerriets
Louisenlund Foundation - Güby, Germany / OFFICE and OFFICE WINDOW acoustic curtains

Education meets manufacturing

With over 75 years of experience and our commitment to quality and innovation, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner. We understand the challenges faced by schools and universities and aim to provide solutions that help realise visions and create inspiring learning spaces.

Our aim is to create flexible learning, working and quiet zones with the highest standards of design, functionality and quality.

Designing educational facilities

"Rooms at the touch of a button"

The design of schools, universities and educational facilities plays a decisive role in the learning success and development of students.

At Gerriets, we recognise the importance of this factor and want to help design optimal learning environments. We want to create spaces where learners feel comfortable and inspired to realise their full potential.

With the OFFICE sound curtain, we offer you customised solutions that meet the highest requirements for sound insulation and design.

Extend the curtain at any time with additional inner layers and customise it with different materials, colours, prints and designs.

Photo: © Gerriets
  • Sound insulation of up to 26 dB
  • Variable textile structure
  • Ideal as a flexible room divider and design element
  • Configuration options: 3-, 5-, 7- or 12-ply
  • Single-coloured or elaborately printed visible side
  • Manual or automated operation
Photo: © Sven Meier

"The sound curtains from Gerriets make an important contribution to the overall concept for the 6,700 m² total area in terms of the content, organisation and architecture of our school. The sound curtains allow a learning area to be easily separated acoustically and visually from the rest of the learning space without pupils learning alone being disturbed by the group situation. In addition to their impressive acoustic quality, the sound curtains in the colours green, yellow and red are also characterised by their high aesthetic quality.Thecombination of the mobile inventory, the modern equipment, the sound curtains and the bright, spacious rooms creates a high quality of stay and a very special feel-good atmosphere."

Foundation director Dr Peter Rösner

With over 75 years of experience and our commitment to quality and innovation, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner. We understand the challenges faced by schools and universities and want to offer solutions that help realise visions and create inspiring learning spaces.

Our aim is to create flexible learning, working and quiet zones with the highest standards of design, functionality and quality.

Photo: © Sven Meier
Louisenlund Foundation - Güby, Germany / OFFICE and OFFICE WINDOW acoustic curtains

The design of schools, universities and educational institutions plays a crucial role in the learning success and development of students.

At Gerriets, we recognise the importance of this factor and want to help create optimal learning environments. We want to create spaces where learners feel comfortable and inspired to realise their full potential.

Browse through suitable references

Photo: © Andreas Schüring Architekten BDA
Photo: © Gerriets GmbH
Photo: © KD Busch

Our experienced experts work closely with our customers to develop customised solutions that meet the individual needs and requirements of each educational institution.

With us, you not only receive high-quality products and solutions, but also a reliable partner who offers excellent quality, innovative ideas and future-orientated learning environments.

From planning and consulting to production, installation and maintenance, we support our customers in all project phases and ensure that everything runs smoothly.

We attach great importance to people's needs, flexibility and individuality.

Together we are shaping the education of tomorrow.